Thursday, April 28, 2011

In the closet

Ok so I know last week I said that was my last post but I ended up having to stay here for this one last week.I wasn't even going to post agian but I am sitting the closet eating a hot pocket in my Sponge Bob pajamas and it dawned on me that this is most definitely an adventure.

So I am wondering why, when I moved into this 1,000 year old building, they didn't inform me about things like, I don't know, emergency evacuation. The sirens are going off telling me that there is a tornado warning (I am terrified of Tornados, did I mention that?) and the only viable options for shelter are my closet or I can risk going into the basement of this building where there are stray Ferrell cats, kudzu growing out of the window and probably snakes or rats. Plus there are probably the lost souls of graduate students who never finished their thesis wandering around mumbling things like "Empirical data" and "The research states...".

Every time the air conditioning comes on or a train goes by I have a mini-stroke.It's times like these you think you could use a drink but, I don't drink. All I have is this non-alcoholic sangria. I already drank all of it and no significant effect was found. Ken Cook is causing me to panic and Im wondering if I should take anything into the closet with me. I grabbed my laptop and cell phone but I left my thesis notes out, hopeful that if anything goes down, that will be the first to go.

I am really thirsty and debating if I can go to the fridge and get water and make it back ok. I don't want to risk it all for water. It's like that time I went camping (legally) and we almost ran off the road when we were trying to find the guys who had all of the lunch meat in the back of their car. My best friend gasps and says "I don't want to die for lunch meat!" Profound.

There is no way I can go to sleep until all of this abates. I guess I'll hang in the closet and watch 16 and pregnant until it passes. This is most definitely my LAST night here as I will be handing in my key tomorrow. Kind of glad my last night wasn't last week's slipping into a medication induced sleep ( I was probably drooling) at 10pm but not thrilled I'm spending the last night in a closet.


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