Thursday, April 14, 2011

Coping Alone

Being a women, am I mostly a social person. If I have an issue, I want to "Talk it out." When I am at home that's exactly what I do. But when I am left alone to my own devices, I have to find creative ways of dealing with the storm of emotions I am faced with.

Typically on Thursdays I rush home to be with my husband but, he is in New York. I didn't realize how stressed, nervous, annoyed, overwhelmed and at-the-edge-of-my-emotional-stability I was until I got home.

HOME *sigh*. I love home. For some reason when I got home today all the keep-it-togetherness got left in the garage and by the time I made it up to my room I just wanted to burst into tears. Because, let's face it, graduate school for counselors is the true test of your mental and emotional health. A person would have to start off in a high state of emotional and mental stability to be able to sink to the depths that me and all my fellow sufferers have sunk to.

So anyway when I'm feeling all "rumpled in my mind" the last thing I want to do is call someone sobbing and say "I'm just overwhelmed because the biggest presentation of my life is Tuesday and my whole life is riding on it and my chair is telling me to remain calm which is just silly and i still have 8million other things to do on top of that and when will i sleep and why did i sign up to do this training tomorrow as if i have time (inhaaaaallleeee) and what if i dont pass and i need pass to get my degree to take my test to be licensed andddddddddddd...." Nobody WANTS to hear that. I don't want to hear it and it's in my own head.

So I set up netflix on my laptop to watch "The Cosby Show", I got on my PJ's (at 6pm), crawled into bed and I ate cookies and milk and laughed at Theo and his antics. I learned a new song on the guitar, I practiced an old song on the piano, I entered a poetry contest and now, I'm writing this. When I'm done, I'll take a nap and then I will awake to face the responsibilities yet to be fulfilled.

For me, life right now is more coping than living. But in just a few, short weeks the burden will be lifted. Thesis will be a thing of the past. I'll forget about graduate school. I'll learn to live again!


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